The Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass is a procedure where your surgeon creates a small pouch of stomach the size of a walnut to act as your new stomach (pouch) followed by re-routing of your intestines into a Y formation. The disconnected portion of the stomach (remnant) remains in place and is still connected to the small intestine (biliopancreatic limb) draining the Liver, gallbladder and pancreas. A portion of intestine from further along in the intestinal tract (alimentary limb) is then connected to the new pouch. These two pieces of intestine meet to form a common channel where absorption of food and nutrients begin.

Because Acid is produced in the lower portion of the stomach and the surgery disconnects them from the esophagus curing Acid Reflux, this procedure is the Gold Standard for Barrett's Esophagus and Severe Acid Reflux. It is also the gold standard for Hiatal Hernias with BMI >33.

This procedure helps patients lose weight in two ways:

1) Restricting the amount that you can eat

2)Changing the way your body absorbs food.

The bypass surgery is performed as a minimally invasive procedure, either laparoscopic or robotically.


It Makes ALL The Difference
After 5 years of training to become Board-Certified general surgeons, Both Dr. Brown and Dr. Leavitt received additional training to learn advanced Bariatric procedures.
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It Makes ALL The Difference
After 5 years of training to become Board-Certified general surgeons, Both Dr. Brown and Dr. Leavitt received additional training to learn advanced Bariatric procedures.
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