
Approximately 60% of the United States population has diverticulosis or out-pouchings in the colon commonly caused by chronic constipation. Of those, 10-20% of patients will develop diverticulitis also known as inflammation of these pouches. Depending on the severity of the disease, patients are treated with either oral or IV antibiotics and bowel rest or surgery. Diverticulitis or inflammation of out-pouchings in the colon is often treated surgically after failed medical management, recurrent or complicated episodes. A complicated episode is defined as perforation of the intestine or abscess formation.

The surgical treatment for Diverticulitis is removal of the sigmoid colon. This procedure may be performed laparoscopically, robotically, or with an open midline incision, and is considered an inpatient procedure. The typical length of stay for a patient after surgery is 3-7days.


Volvulus or twisting of the intestine is an uncommon diagnosis and is often a surgical urgency. Twisting of the left colon is often related to chronic constipation or patients who are chronically ill and may present as diffuse crampy abdominal pain and inability to have bowel movements and pass gas. The abdomen becomes distended very quickly. Often patients recognize similar recurring episodes. Twisting of the right colon, more common in young women and is often congenital. The definitive treatment for this disease is removal of the segment of colon.

This procedure is often performed through an open midline incision due to the dilation of the colon and decreased space to operate laparoscopically and is considered an inpatient procedure.


Cancer of the large or small intestine can present as pain, weight loss, night sweats, inability to have regular bowel movements, thin or bloody stools, and/or distention of the abdomen. If you are diagnosed with small or large intestinal cancer or mass, surgical removal may be the treatment. Every patient is assessed individually and appropriate workup is obtained. These cases are often managed with a multidisciplinary team including other specialties such as gastroenterology and oncology.

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are coordinated with the appropriate specialists.

All cancer related procedures are performed either laparoscopically, robotically or through an open midline incision and are considered inpatient.